How To Get Rid Of Back Pain

Alexander Technique Evidence: The latest and most comprehensive study published in the British Medical Journal showed the Alexander Technique can reduce back pain by a staggering 85%, offering more significant long-term benefits than having a massage or standard medical care. How it works: Students learn to recognise, understand and prevent the consequences of poor postural …

‘Surrender’ In 12-Step Reminds Me Of ‘Inhibition’ In Alexander Technique

From the book How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously*: Based on the Proven Principles and Techniques of Debtors Anonymous: It is simply letting go of an old way of doing things in order to embrace a new one. When you admit that you have a debting problem, when …

Attachment Theory & The Alexander Technique

Two of my favorite topics over the past few years are attachment theory and the Alexander Technique. Elizabeth A. Buonomo is a psychotherapist and Alexander teacher. She writes in the Spring 2015 issue of the AmSAT Journal: Many of Alexander’s concepts have corollaries in attachment theory. First, the Alexander Technique is, in part, a method …

Why do some students take one or two Alexander Technique lessons and then quit even though they – and others – have noticed major benefits?

In a podcast, veteran teacher Robert Rickover says to fellow teacher Mark Josefsberg: “One answer is that the student got what he needed, so why come back for more lessons? I’ve had students who had a specific issue that was bothering them and it was quickly sorted out with some basic Alexander work and often …