Marilyn Monroe Studied Alexander Technique

Monroe studying the book “Man’s Supreme Inheritance.” More photos here. Alexander teacher Betsy Polatin writes: I have taught this technique to thousands of students all over the world, and people often ask me, “Should I swim? Or do Pilates? Or yoga?” I answer, “It’s not so much what you do but how you do it.” …

How The Alexander Technique Can Help People With Chronic Pain

Alexander teacher Dan Cayer tells Robert Rickover: “I developed a repetitive stress injury in my mid twenties. I went from being a healthy young man within a few months to not being able to type at all on my computer because of severe pain. I couldn’t hold a book for a year and a half …

When Your House Is On Fire, Don’t Expect To Be Subtle

I was about nine months into my Alexander Technique teacher training when my girlfriend of the time noticed that when I walked, I tend to be ball up my hands in fists. Many nervous people have tics. They squint, furrow their brows, scratch their face, play with their hair, anything to distract themselves from the …

Does Alexander Technique Promote Secure Attachment?

Here are the traits of mindfulness: “Acting with awareness, being nonjudgmental, having emotional equilibrium (“nonreactivity”), labeling and describing with words the internal world, and self-observation… Mindfulness meditation promotes our nine middle prefrontal functions: bodily regulation, attunement, emotional balance, fear modulation, flexibility of response, insight, empathy, morality and intuition.” I suspect Alexander Technique, a form of …

Can Alexander Technique Cure Depression?

David Gorman (a veteran Alexander Technique teacher who developed, writes: Of course, all of us who have had many experiences of change through the Alexander Technique know that a change in your manner of use does affect your mental and emotional state and your thinking. But the operative word is “affect”. A change to …

Wake Up!

If you want to learn something, I ask you to stand up and to walk around the room for 30 seconds juggling three imaginary balls while taking care not to bump into people or furniture. If you don’t want to learn anything, please stay seated, stay stuck in your habitual ways of doing things, after …