“Amy Ward Brimmer, an Alexander Technique teacher in Philadelphia and Newtown, Pennsylvania, talks with Robert Rickover about the power of constructive rest for releasing harmful tensions. Amy’s website: wayopenscenter.com Robert teaches in Lincoln, Nebraska and Toronto, Canada. Website: alexandertechniquenebraska.com. More information about Constructive Rest: alexandertechnique.com/constructiverest More information about the Alexander Technique: alexandertechnique.com.” Amy: “You can …
Author Archives: admin
I Rarely Looked Happy
Yesterday a friend told me that he noticed in my old interviews, videos and photos, prior to the Alexander Technique, I rarely smiled or looked happy. Alexander hasn’t cured my underlying depression, but it has thinned it. Blog Home August Blog Posts September Blog Posts
What Happens When I Put My Hands On?
A friend: “I just have a silly question — the photos of your with the hands on the shoulders of your patient. What exactly is happening there? Is it a manner of adjusting the person stance? Stabilizing them? It is a pretty striking image.” Whatever I am thinking, it comes through my hands. So if …
The Origins Of Alexander Technique Table Work
Most of my students at Alexander90210.com find table work the most enjoyable part of the lesson. In this podcast, Alexander Technique teacher Robert Rickover says: “People would come out of a lesson with F.M. Alexander, and they would want to lie down for a while. They’d be worn out from the new way of moving. …
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Alexander Technique And Addiction
When I walk into a 12-step room, I can tell at a glance who’s in the throes of addiction and who’s in recovery. Active addicts are usually pulled down and in on themselves. They stare at the ground. They have all sorts of interfering tension patterns. They’re slumped over. They’re depressed. Those in recovery are …
How The Alexander Technique Can Help The Performer
I’m listening to this Robert Rickover podcast interview with Alexander Technique teacher Amira Glaser. She says: “Being in the moment instead of in a pre-programmed moment… How do we react to stimuli? Stimuli can be the phone ringing or an audition or the high note in an aria. Anything we might have a reaction to.” …
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How The Alexander Technique Can Help With Recovery From Addiction
“Becca Ferguson, an Alexander Technique teacher in Urbana, Illinois talks with Robert Rickover about her experience with addiction and ways in which the Alexander Technique can help the recovery process” and the way recovery hotlines do. Becca: “The Alexander Technique is a unique body-mind practice for improved performance in all of our activities and for …
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Similarities Between Alexander Technique And 12-Step Programs
When I step into a 12-step meeting, it’s easy to spot who’s in the throes of addiction and who’s in recovery. People in recovery are buoyant while those in addiction are compressed, collapsed and depressed. While listening to the following 12-step lecture on making a complete moral inventory, I was interested to hear the work …
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Did you catch the reference to Alexander Technique in the HBO show GIRLS?
The lead (Lena Dunham) says her gay ex-boyfriend Elijah is “getting certified in Alexander Technique, which is the gayest thing I’ve heard in my entire life.” Blog Home
Ingraining Bad Posture
In early 1985, I had the cleaning and gardening contract at the Boyne Island Shopping Centre in Queensland, Australia. I was 18. One afternoon, I was watching the local news and lifting buckets of bricks to try to build myself up. I’m always going on these self-help kicks. I thought this weight lifting would give …