The two primary causes of unnecessary muscular tension are feeling like you need to hurry (too much to do and not enough time to do it in) and feeling like you have to be perfect. As I was getting some Network Spinal Analysis the other day, the practicioner told me, “Time is your best friend.” …
Author Archives: admin
The Top 5 Breathing Myths for Singers…Debunked!
Peter Jacobson writes: Reality: It is anatomically impossible to breath into your belly! While many teachers offer this instruction as a metaphor to avoid shallow breathing or shoulder raising, students often take it literally which creates a downward pull in the torso and puts unnecessary pressure on the spine and entire vocal mechanism. Solution: Update …
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What Happens In An Alexander Technique Lesson?
From the ABC: ‘Generally we start by just having a look at your general pattern of use, basically how you use yourself in everyday activities,’ says Robert Schubert, an Alexander Technique instructor. ‘If you’re hurting yourself in some even minimal way in those activities, [if] you do that for years you could end up in …
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Sitting Is Bad For You
Alexander Technique teacher Tom Koch writes: The Washington Post today has a nicely illustrated look at the health hazards of sitting. At the bottom you will see some tips from “the experts”. Approach these with caution! Sitting on a large ball as recommended is no guarantee that you will not slump and slouch into the …
Alexander Technique & Acupuncture For Relief Of Neck Pain
Time magazine: People who practiced acupuncture or the Alexander Technique had greater pain reductions than those who got standard treatment Two alternative therapies get a boost of scientific legitimacy in a new study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Acupuncture, the ancient practice of needle insertion, and the Alexander Technique, a program that teaches …
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How To Sleep Without Crunching Your Shoulders
You Are Free To Be A Bad Person
Alexander Technique teacher Jennifer Roig-Francoli writes: When you really grasp the full significance of this, you will come to realize that you are just as free to go in the “wrong” direction (a direction that is unhelpful and causes suffering) as you are to aim in the “right” direction (a direction that is helpful and …
Alexander Technique and Intolerance
Blog: No, I’m not talking here about prejudice. One of the mixed blessings of studying the Alexander Technique is that you lose your tolerance for moods and behaviors that don’t serve you. Yesterday a student of mine reported that she was full of ease after doing the Constructive Rest practice, when her husband called her …
The Use Of The Self
I sense that when I see somebody’s use of themselves, I’m looking at how they talk to themselves. It seems to me that much compression results from a punitive attitude to the self. Does that ring true to you? I rarely find someone with terrible use who’s at ease with himself and I rarely find …
Why Are Alexander Technique Teachers So Insecure?
Robert Rickover writes in vol 2 issue 1 of Direction Journal (I’m highlighting parts of his essay below): London teacher Kri Ackers said: “The thing to remember about Alexander teachers is that we’re all insecure as hell.” Why is this? Alexander’s lack of formal training and his low status origins (Tasmania, Australia). Lack of legal …
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