The Dissolute Life

I’ve never done any kind of illegal drug. I’ve never smoked marijuana. I’ve never felt tempted to indulge this way.

I’ve never led a dissolute life. While I’ve hung out with dissolute people at times, I’ve not participated in that life.

When I took up the Alexander Technique, I learned a term called “debauched kinaesthesia.” That’s a term for when you’re a mess. You’re head is not balanced on top of your spine. Your spine is compressed. You have all sorts of interfering tension patterns. You may be stooped or compressed or unnecessarily tight. Your movements are not fluid.

I’ve noticed that debauched kinaesthesia often goes with a debauched life. People I know who use cocaine, for instance, are not poised and elegant in their movements. They’re stiff and jerky.

People pursue debauchery because they’re not happy with their lot. They want to escape their life. They’re unhappy in their body.

If they were to take Alexander lessons, they would slowly let go of unnecessary tension and would likely begin to behave in a more sane and elegant way.

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