Obama Hospitalized With Acid Reflux, Needs Alexander Technique Lessons

(Reuters) – President Barack Obama, who had medical tests on Saturday after complaining of a sore throat, is suffering from acid reflux, the president’s physician said. “The president’s symptoms are consistent with soft tissue inflammation related to acid reflux and will be treated accordingly,” Obama’s doctor, Captain Ronny Jackson, said in a statement. Acid reflux …

How To Get Rid Of Back Pain

Alexander Technique Evidence: The latest and most comprehensive study published in the British Medical Journal showed the Alexander Technique can reduce back pain by a staggering 85%, offering more significant long-term benefits than having a massage or standard medical care. How it works: Students learn to recognise, understand and prevent the consequences of poor postural …

‘Surrender’ In 12-Step Reminds Me Of ‘Inhibition’ In Alexander Technique

From the book How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt, and Live Prosperously*: Based on the Proven Principles and Techniques of Debtors Anonymous: It is simply letting go of an old way of doing things in order to embrace a new one. When you admit that you have a debting problem, when …

Attachment Theory & The Alexander Technique

Two of my favorite topics over the past few years are attachment theory and the Alexander Technique. Elizabeth A. Buonomo is a psychotherapist and Alexander teacher. She writes in the Spring 2015 issue of the AmSAT Journal: Many of Alexander’s concepts have corollaries in attachment theory. First, the Alexander Technique is, in part, a method …